Thursday, April 21, 2011

Issue: Unable to copy a voice memo from your iPhone


A number of voice memos (especially those with durations beyond 2 minutes), may not appear in iTunes under the voice memos section of the iPhone. If you have never synced your iPhone with iTunes before, iTunes may warn you that all data on the iPhone will be erased before it can sync.


  1. Download and install iPhoneBrowser - Important: You do not have to jailbreak your iPHone for this to work!
  2. Connect your iPhone to the computer
  3. Open iPhoneBrowser
  4. In the leftside folder view, open "Recordings". The voice memos will appear on the right side directory listing
  5. Right click on the memo you wish to copy and choose "Save as". Select the name and location for the saved file. Note: The file will be in m4a format. iTunes will play this file natively.

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